English for Global Licensing™ (EGL™ )
EGL™ Briefing & Trial Lesson on Thursday 19 January
Please join our free upcoming briefing and trial lesson if you want to learn more or are considering joining our course.
Please join our free upcoming briefing and trial lesson if you want to learn more or are considering joining our course.
English for Global Licensing™ (EGL) - 日本初のライセンス・コンテンツ業界向けコミュニケーション・プログラムは、2013年より日本のライセンシングビジネスパーソンの英語力向上を支援しています。 2023年は、3月より「ライセンシング&コンテンツビジネス英語(上級)」のロングランで人気のオンラインコースを続くし、さらなる講座の充実を図っています。「ライセンシング&コンテンツビジネス英語(上級)」の新規受講生を募集しています。既存のクラスには若干の空きがあります、ご要望があればもう一つのグループクラスを開講する予定です。コースの詳細はこちら。 また、ご参考までに終了したコースはこちらからご覧いただけます。
EGL™をリアルにご体験いただける「EGL™ Briefing & Trial Lesson」を下記の日程にて行ないます。ぜひこの機会にご参加ください。
English for Global Licensing™ (EGL)- Japan's first communication program for the licensing and contents industry has been helping Japanese licensing professionals improve their English-language skills since 2013. We are gearing up with more courses in 2023 beginning in March with our long-running and popular online course entitled "Licensing & Contents Business English (Advanced). We are looking for new students to join the course - there are some limited places available with the existing class, and if there is enough demand, we plan to create another group class. Details on the course are here. View completed courses here.
We will hold an EGL™ Briefing & Trial Lesson to explain about the course and give participants an opportunity to experience licensing English. Details and application form below. We look forward to hearing from you.
EGL™をリアルにご体験いただける「EGL™ Briefing & Trial Lesson」を下記の日程にて行ないます。ぜひこの機会にご参加ください。
English for Global Licensing™ (EGL)- Japan's first communication program for the licensing and contents industry has been helping Japanese licensing professionals improve their English-language skills since 2013. We are gearing up with more courses in 2023 beginning in March with our long-running and popular online course entitled "Licensing & Contents Business English (Advanced). We are looking for new students to join the course - there are some limited places available with the existing class, and if there is enough demand, we plan to create another group class. Details on the course are here. View completed courses here.
We will hold an EGL™ Briefing & Trial Lesson to explain about the course and give participants an opportunity to experience licensing English. Details and application form below. We look forward to hearing from you.
日時 / Date & Time |
2023年1月19日(木)19:00-20:00(個別相談は20:00〜) |
オンライン(Zoom利用) |
対象者 / Student Suitability |
中級〜上級(現在:初心者向けのプログラムはございません)。 |
参加費用 / Participation Fee |
無料 |