Soon Inc.・株式会社スーン
A long established licensing brand management company
Soon Inc. licenses and manages brands on behalf of intellectual property owners. It's roster of brands includes:
Soon has a long and esteemed history in bringing overseas brands to the Japanese market and previously represented Golden Books, The Lone Ranger, and Slush Puppie and other brands that later became famous.
For TV commercial planning and production, refer to Soon's affiliate company, Soon+ for more information.
地域:日本 Territories: Japan
- 「アグネス・ラム」:1970年代後半から80年代前半にかけて日本で活躍したハワイアンモデル。今もなおノスタルジックなブランドとして人気を博している。
- 「ちびぞうくん」:グラフィックデザイナー土方重巳氏によって、佐藤製薬のマスコットキャラクターとして長い間親しまれてきました。
- 「笹沢 左保」:日本のテレビ・映画で380以上の制作実績を持つ作家。
- 「大塚 朗」:アパレルメーカー、ジョイマークデザインの人気キャラクター、「キャプテンサンタ」を生み出したイラストレーター、キャラクターデザイナー。
Soon Inc. licenses and manages brands on behalf of intellectual property owners. It's roster of brands includes:
- Agnes Lum, the Hawaiian model active in Japan in the late 1970s and early 1980s and remains popular to this day as a nostalgic brand.
- Chibizoukun ("li'l elephant boy), a long well-known corporate mascot character created by Shigemi Hijikata, for Sato Pharmaceutical.
- Akira Otsuka, the illustrator and character designer who created the popular Captain Santa character for apparel company, Joymark Design.
- Saso Sasakawa, the Japanese writer whose had more than 380 production credits to TV and film in Japan
Soon has a long and esteemed history in bringing overseas brands to the Japanese market and previously represented Golden Books, The Lone Ranger, and Slush Puppie and other brands that later became famous.
For TV commercial planning and production, refer to Soon's affiliate company, Soon+ for more information.
地域:日本 Territories: Japan