ご挨拶・A Message from Roger Berman, CEO

ZenWorks は、東京を拠点とし、ライセンス関連のサービスを幅広く提供するライセンシングカンパニーです。コンサルティングとエージェンシーを柱として、世界中の魅力的なコンテンツの発信を支えています。
私、Roger Berman はイギリス・リヴァプールに生まれ、留学のため1984 年に来日。以来拠点を日本に移し、およそ30年にわたってライセンス業に携わってきました。世界と日本をつなぐ架け橋になりたいという想いを持って2010年からZenWorksとして活動しています。
禅における“円相” を用いたシンボルでは、ご縁がつながるようにという想い、そして少し空けた端で “分け隔てなく受け入れる” という精神を表しています。ビジネスの成功をお手伝いすることはもちろん、人としての関わり合いを大切に、お役に立ちたいと考えています。
Tokyo-based ZenWorks provides a diverse range of licensing-related services. Through our core licensing business areas of consulting and agency services, we support the business development of premium creative content from around the world.
I first arrived in Japan in 1984 from my hometown of Liverpool, UK as a student of Japanese-language. After finishing my language studies, I entered the world of licensing where I have developed a career spanning nearly 30 years. In 2010, I established ZenWorks to realize my long held dream of acting as a business bridge between Japan and the world.
The ZenWorks company logo contains a circular calligraphy brush stroke, open at the top, called an enso. In Zen philosophy, enso conveys the building of bonds and the opening at the top expresses an open mind to accept all things. Just like with enso, ZenWorks helps companies succeed by building the right business bonds and approaching challenges with an open mind.
One of the major joys of licensing are the diverse personal relationships that can evolve. As well as helping companies succeed in licensing, I look forward to developing new one-to-one relationships with people from all corners of the licensing world.
Roger M. Berman,
Founder & President
ZenWorks Co., Ltd.
私、Roger Berman はイギリス・リヴァプールに生まれ、留学のため1984 年に来日。以来拠点を日本に移し、およそ30年にわたってライセンス業に携わってきました。世界と日本をつなぐ架け橋になりたいという想いを持って2010年からZenWorksとして活動しています。
禅における“円相” を用いたシンボルでは、ご縁がつながるようにという想い、そして少し空けた端で “分け隔てなく受け入れる” という精神を表しています。ビジネスの成功をお手伝いすることはもちろん、人としての関わり合いを大切に、お役に立ちたいと考えています。
Tokyo-based ZenWorks provides a diverse range of licensing-related services. Through our core licensing business areas of consulting and agency services, we support the business development of premium creative content from around the world.
I first arrived in Japan in 1984 from my hometown of Liverpool, UK as a student of Japanese-language. After finishing my language studies, I entered the world of licensing where I have developed a career spanning nearly 30 years. In 2010, I established ZenWorks to realize my long held dream of acting as a business bridge between Japan and the world.
The ZenWorks company logo contains a circular calligraphy brush stroke, open at the top, called an enso. In Zen philosophy, enso conveys the building of bonds and the opening at the top expresses an open mind to accept all things. Just like with enso, ZenWorks helps companies succeed by building the right business bonds and approaching challenges with an open mind.
One of the major joys of licensing are the diverse personal relationships that can evolve. As well as helping companies succeed in licensing, I look forward to developing new one-to-one relationships with people from all corners of the licensing world.
Roger M. Berman,
Founder & President
ZenWorks Co., Ltd.