1881 年生まれ英国の伝統的なスポーツブランド
British Sporting Heritage Since 1881
イギリスの最も古いスポーツブランドの1 つ。ウィンブルドン選手権のスポンサーでもあり、テニス、ゴルフ、クリケット、ホッケーの関連商品メーカーとして有名です。
One of Britain's oldest sporting brands. Slazenger provide the official tennis balls for Wimbledon. Besides tennis, the brand is known for its excellence of its sports equipment across golf, cricket and hockey.
地域:日本 Territories: Japan
One of Britain's oldest sporting brands. Slazenger provide the official tennis balls for Wimbledon. Besides tennis, the brand is known for its excellence of its sports equipment across golf, cricket and hockey.
地域:日本 Territories: Japan