新年のご挨拶 2020 New Year Greetings
~~ 創立10周年を迎えることになります Celebrating 10 Years In Business ~~
謹んで新年のお慶びを申し上げます。 旧年中は格別のご愛顧を賜わり厚くお礼申し上げます。
ZenWorks wishes its clients, partners and friends in the global licensing communities a prosperous 2020.
(English follows)
皆様にとって、より良い年となります様お祈りしております。 どうぞ、本年度もよろしくお願いいたします。
January 2020
ZenWorks wishes its clients, partners and friends in the global contents and licensing communities a prosperous 2020.
This is a special year because on 30th January ZenWorks celebrates ten years in business.
I had been thinking for some time for the appropriate words to describe ZenWorks's first decade. Has it been “we’ve survived” or “we’ve thrived”? Definitely the former but not necessarily the latter, or maybe a bit of both. But in a moment of inspiration in visiting Tsukiji Hongwanji Buddhist Temple in Ginza the other day, I came across the perfect word “縁起” engi.
An explanation about the term’s origins said that “All things come about because of various causes and conditions” - that nicely summed up ZenWorks. ZenWorks came about because of various causes and conditions in my business career and I owe so much personal gratitude to individuals, including my wife and daughter, and companies in Japan and around the world that have supported my business. Engi and Gratitude will continue to define our business and relationships throughout the next decade.
Roger Berman
Founder & President
ZenWorks Co., Ltd.
ZenWorks wishes its clients, partners and friends in the global licensing communities a prosperous 2020.
(English follows)
皆様にとって、より良い年となります様お祈りしております。 どうぞ、本年度もよろしくお願いいたします。
January 2020
ZenWorks wishes its clients, partners and friends in the global contents and licensing communities a prosperous 2020.
This is a special year because on 30th January ZenWorks celebrates ten years in business.
I had been thinking for some time for the appropriate words to describe ZenWorks's first decade. Has it been “we’ve survived” or “we’ve thrived”? Definitely the former but not necessarily the latter, or maybe a bit of both. But in a moment of inspiration in visiting Tsukiji Hongwanji Buddhist Temple in Ginza the other day, I came across the perfect word “縁起” engi.
An explanation about the term’s origins said that “All things come about because of various causes and conditions” - that nicely summed up ZenWorks. ZenWorks came about because of various causes and conditions in my business career and I owe so much personal gratitude to individuals, including my wife and daughter, and companies in Japan and around the world that have supported my business. Engi and Gratitude will continue to define our business and relationships throughout the next decade.
Roger Berman
Founder & President
ZenWorks Co., Ltd.
2019 Highlights & 2020 New Initiatives ●ライセンス事業: 2019年に弊社のブランドライセンシングパートナー株式会社ブランドッグと一緒に英国ヴィクトリアアンドアルバート博物館(V&A)の日本ライセンスビジネスのセールスエージェント事業が成功裏に完了しました。ホームインテリアとファッションアクセサリー分野で4社の新規ライセンシーを開拓しました。今年中に新規の大きなブランドプロパティを発表することを予定しています。 別途、アートとイラストレーターのライセンシング事業を強化するの一環として、株式会社ハル・クリエイティブ・スタジオとアート&イラストライセンシングパートナーとしてタイアップしました。この提携によってヨーロッパを中心とするアーティストやイラストレータープロパティを日本の市場に紹介します。 ●Licensing: In 2019, ZenWorks, together with its brand business partner Brandog, successfully concluded its sales agent project with the V&A to develop new product categories, having brought on board four new licensee partners across home interior and fashion accessories. ZenWorks and Brandog are hoping to announce a major new brand licensing initiative this year. ZenWorks has also formed a new relationship with Hal Creative Studio for licensing in the area of art and illustration. Through the partnership, we aim to develop licenses for stunning and imaginative European artists and illustrators in Japan. ●コンサルティング事業:2019年には国内外の大手企業から中小企業までコンテンツの新市場への進出を支援しました。今年は引き続きより高い水準のコンサルティングを提供します。また、弊社の「コンテンツアワードコンサルティングサービス」もスタートし、お陰様で株式会社ベネッセコーポレーションを含めて大手の日本企業数社が海外受賞やノミネーションを獲得する一連の成功を収めました。 ●Consulting: In 2019 ZenWorks assisted companies, large and small, to develop their licensing business in new markets abroad. ZenWorks also launched its “Contents Awards Consulting Service” and was successful in getting a string of overseas contents and licensing related awards and nominations for a number of major Japanese companies including Benesse Corporation. This year we will continue to provide high quality consulting services to IP holders seeking to introduce and maximize business opportunities around the world. ●メディア事業:メディアとPR(広報)戦略はB2Bのブランドプロモーションの効果的な手段であり、成果を生み出すことが可能となります。 2019年と同様に今年も弊社がグローバルライセンス情報誌「Total Licensing」の日本と韓国地域の広告代理店として、国内外のコンテンツ系のトレードショーに参加する予定です。海外の出展を検討する企業には105ヵ国での84,000業界関係の読者を持つTotal Licensingの媒体パワーを利用しませんか?マーケティング予算と合わせて様々な広告セット料金のご案内が可能です。今年の弊社が参加する予定やTotal Licensingを配布する予定のトレードショーは次の通りです:
広報の面では、弊社がライセンス・コンテンツ・放送を専門とするPRエージェンシーKilogrammedia社の東アジア代理店として、新規クライアント様を開拓しました。ソニー・クリエイティブプロダクツ(日本)、Aurora(韓国)、WinSing Animation(中国)の各社コンテンツを全世界のメディアに宣伝活動するサポートをしています。東アジアでは、PRをB2Bブランドプロモーションのユニークで効果的な手段として使用することに関心が高まっています。これは専門性の高いブランドマーケティング分野としていつでもメリットを案内することが可能です。 ●Media: ZenWorks continues to work with as advertising sales agent in Japan and Korea for Total Licensing, the global licensing business magazine with 84,000 readers in 105 countries. This year, we plan to attend and distribute Total Licensing at the below-listed trade shows. If you are plan to exhibiting at any of them, consider using the media power of Total Licensing to help achieve your goals. We have advertising packages to suit a variety of budgets.
On the PR front, ZenWork has successfully brought on new clients for Kilogrammedia, the specialist PR agency for licensing and broadcast industries including Sony Creative Products (Japan), Aurora (Korea) and WinSing Animation (China). We are seeing increasing interest within East Asia about using PR as a unique and highly effective means of B2B brand promotion. This is a highly specialized area of brand marketing and we will be glad to discuss the benefits with you anytime. |