Mouk ムーク
The Cute Little Globetrotting Bear from France
世界を旅するMouk のおはなしは23 ヵ国で10 万冊、原作はフランスだけでも5万冊を突破の人気絵本作品です。日本では株式会社フレーベル館より日本語版絵本「ムークせかいをひとまわり」(2011 年2 月初版)が発行され、アニメーション第1 シリーズ「ムークのせかいりょこう」がCS のディズニー・ジュニアで放送されています。YouTubeでは月間100万PV以上がアクセスされている。
Mouk is a cute, globetrotting bear animated character based on the best-selling picture book "Around the World with Mouk" by French illustrator/author Marc Boutavant. Over 100,000 copies of the picture books have been sold in 23 countries including 50,000 in France. In Japan, Froebel-Kan Co.,Ltd. published the Japanese-language version in February 2011 and the TV series is broadcast on Disney Junior in Japan. On YouTube, Mouk has 1,000,000 page views monthly.
地域:日本 Territories: Japan
Mouk is a cute, globetrotting bear animated character based on the best-selling picture book "Around the World with Mouk" by French illustrator/author Marc Boutavant. Over 100,000 copies of the picture books have been sold in 23 countries including 50,000 in France. In Japan, Froebel-Kan Co.,Ltd. published the Japanese-language version in February 2011 and the TV series is broadcast on Disney Junior in Japan. On YouTube, Mouk has 1,000,000 page views monthly.
地域:日本 Territories: Japan