業界出版物・B2B Publications
Plain Language Media社のライセンス、小売、市場調査の出版物
Plain Language Media Licensing, Retail & Market Research Publications
Plain Language Media Licensing, Retail & Market Research Publications
北米のPlain Language Media社はマーケッティング、消費者および小売動向分野を中心にニュースレター、調査報告書とディレクタリーを出版しています。ライセンス関連出版物の中には年22回発行する”The Licensing Letter”(米国ライセンシング業界ニュースレター)と2年に1回の”International Licensing: A Status Report” のグローバルライセンシング資料集があります。この英語版資料集は数の少ない世界中のライセンス市場のレポートです。新興成長市場、グローバル小売トレンド、メディア環境などを分析しています。海外市場開拓のため、各国市場のデータ、経済および小売環境、ライセンスビジネス状況などの分析は不可欠です。ZenWorksはPlain Language Media社が発行するすべての出版物とリサーチサービスの日本国窓口です。
Plain Language Media is a North American specialist publisher of newsletters, market research reports and directories focusing on the marketing, consumer and retail industry sectors. Licensing publications include The Licensing Letter, a US. industry newsletter 22 times a year, and the International Licensing: A Status Report, published once every two years, as one of the industry's only global licensing research report. The report carries essential information and data for international licensing development such as research on new emerging markets, global retail trends, media environment, country-by-country licensing statistics, economic and retail conditions. ZenWorks represents Plain Language Media in Japan for sales of all its publications and research.
Plain Language Media is a North American specialist publisher of newsletters, market research reports and directories focusing on the marketing, consumer and retail industry sectors. Licensing publications include The Licensing Letter, a US. industry newsletter 22 times a year, and the International Licensing: A Status Report, published once every two years, as one of the industry's only global licensing research report. The report carries essential information and data for international licensing development such as research on new emerging markets, global retail trends, media environment, country-by-country licensing statistics, economic and retail conditions. ZenWorks represents Plain Language Media in Japan for sales of all its publications and research.