過去のプログラム・Completed Programs
Course Period: May 2013
Course Goals: 1日のワークショップを通じて効果的に会社を紹介する方法を丁寧にお教えいたします。
This one-day workshop will teach participants how to introduce their company in an effective manner.
Course Topics:
講師によるモデルプレゼンテーションの後、各参加者がプレゼンテーションを行い、講師によるフィードバックを受けます。次に、効果的なプレゼンテーションの構成(オープ二ング、使用ビジュアル、質疑応答への対応の仕方など)を考えます。ワークショップは海外へ進出するライセンスおよびコンテンツ業界にカスタマイズされ、英語のライセンス専門用語を練習します。最後に、皆様が勉強した内容を整理し、“Final Presentation”をします。
The workshop will begin with a model presentation, followed by students’ presentations, which will receive feedback from the trainer. The workshop will then focus on the elements of a good presentation including effective openings, visuals, vocal delivery, and dealing with questions. The workshop will be customised for the global licensing and creative contents industry and provide practice in specialist licensing terminology. At the end of the day, the students will give a final presentation incorporating the points learnt.
Course Goals: 1日のワークショップを通じて効果的に会社を紹介する方法を丁寧にお教えいたします。
This one-day workshop will teach participants how to introduce their company in an effective manner.
Course Topics:
講師によるモデルプレゼンテーションの後、各参加者がプレゼンテーションを行い、講師によるフィードバックを受けます。次に、効果的なプレゼンテーションの構成(オープ二ング、使用ビジュアル、質疑応答への対応の仕方など)を考えます。ワークショップは海外へ進出するライセンスおよびコンテンツ業界にカスタマイズされ、英語のライセンス専門用語を練習します。最後に、皆様が勉強した内容を整理し、“Final Presentation”をします。
The workshop will begin with a model presentation, followed by students’ presentations, which will receive feedback from the trainer. The workshop will then focus on the elements of a good presentation including effective openings, visuals, vocal delivery, and dealing with questions. The workshop will be customised for the global licensing and creative contents industry and provide practice in specialist licensing terminology. At the end of the day, the students will give a final presentation incorporating the points learnt.
Course Period: May 2015
Course Goals: 1日のワークショップを通じて効果的に会社を紹介する方法を丁寧にお教えいたします。
This one-day workshop will teach participants how to introduce their company in an effective manner.
Course Topics:
講師によるモデルプレゼンテーションの後、各参加者がプレゼンテーションを行い、講師によるフィードバックを受けます。次に、効果的なプレゼンテーションの構成(オープ二ング、使用ビジュアル、質疑応答への対応の仕方など)を考えます。ワークショップは海外へ進出するライセンスおよびコンテンツ業界にカスタマイズされ、英語のライセンス専門用語を練習します。最後に、皆様が勉強した内容を整理し、“Final Presentation”をします。
The workshop will begin with a model presentation, followed by students’ presentations, which will receive feedback from the trainer. The workshop will then focus on the elements of a good presentation including effective openings, visuals, vocal delivery, and dealing with questions. The workshop will be customised for the global licensing and creative contents industry and provide practice in specialist licensing terminology. At the end of the day, the students will give a final presentation incorporating the points learnt.
Course Goals: 1日のワークショップを通じて効果的に会社を紹介する方法を丁寧にお教えいたします。
This one-day workshop will teach participants how to introduce their company in an effective manner.
Course Topics:
講師によるモデルプレゼンテーションの後、各参加者がプレゼンテーションを行い、講師によるフィードバックを受けます。次に、効果的なプレゼンテーションの構成(オープ二ング、使用ビジュアル、質疑応答への対応の仕方など)を考えます。ワークショップは海外へ進出するライセンスおよびコンテンツ業界にカスタマイズされ、英語のライセンス専門用語を練習します。最後に、皆様が勉強した内容を整理し、“Final Presentation”をします。
The workshop will begin with a model presentation, followed by students’ presentations, which will receive feedback from the trainer. The workshop will then focus on the elements of a good presentation including effective openings, visuals, vocal delivery, and dealing with questions. The workshop will be customised for the global licensing and creative contents industry and provide practice in specialist licensing terminology. At the end of the day, the students will give a final presentation incorporating the points learnt.
Course Period: November 2015
Course Goals: 3回のワークショップを通じて効果的に会社を紹介する方法を丁寧にお教えいたします。
This three session workshop will teach participants how to introduce their company in an effective manner.
Course Topics:
Session 1 -
Course Goals: 3回のワークショップを通じて効果的に会社を紹介する方法を丁寧にお教えいたします。
This three session workshop will teach participants how to introduce their company in an effective manner.
Course Topics:
Session 1 -
- Introducing your company and receiving feedback
- Model presentation: discussion of good and bad points
- Graphics and fonts: the technical side of presentations
- Opening statements: getting the client’s attention
- Pronunciation and intonation
- Introducing your company and receiving feedback
- Transitions—moving from one section to the next
- In the meeting: Useful language for discussing your company and the business of licensing
- Practice activities including dialogues
- Final introduction of company
- Specialist licensing language
- Practice activities including dialogues
- Dealing with questions
- Practice pitching your company’s products/services to a client
Course Period: September 2015 to March 2016
Course Goals: この講習は日常的に外国と取引されているライセンス、コンテンツ及び一般的なマーケティング環境に働いている方やこの分野にご興味のある方を対象となります。英語力は中級以上です(TOEICを持っている場合:550+程度)。基本教材はケンブリッジ大学出版局の「Cambridge English for Marketing」というマーケティング専門家によって書かれた、不可欠な専門知識、及びコミュニケーションスキルを養成するコースブックです。これに加え、海外のライセンス業界をリアルに使用されている業界誌、ソーシャルメディア、出版物などから資料を使用され業界用語やトレンドなどを学びます。コースブックは約40~60時間で終了するように10ユニットに編集されていますが、今までの学期ではUnits 1-7はすでに学習済みで今回の講座では残りのUnits 8-10を中心に教材として使用する予定しています。また、受講生の状況によって今回の講習内容がかわることがあります。
This course is designed for professionals active in licensing, creative content or general marketing environments that work or are considering working with overseas companies on a daily basis. The course is suitable for intermediate level and above learners of English (guideline TOIEC score: 550+). The course book will be Cambridge English for Marketing (Cambridge University Press), a specialist text written by marketing experts covering the necessary knowledge and communications needed in marketing. Additionally, licensing terminology and trends will be taught through the use of real industry trade publications, social media and other types of publications. The whole course book requires 40 to 60 hours of teaching time. Previous semesters taught units 1 to 7 and this semester we aim to focus on the remaining 3 units. If student circumstances require it, the course content may change.
Course Topics:
Unit 1 - The Role of Marketing: describing your skills and qualifications; talking about organizations; describing marketing within an organisation; identifying stakeholders
Unit 2 - Marketing Plan 1 (analysis and objectives): outlining a marketing plan; carrying out a marketing analysis via various methods including SWOT; setting marketing objectives.
Unit 3 - Marketing Plan 2 (strategy and tactics): writing a marketing strategy; planning and discussing the marketing mix; presenting a marketing budget; writing an executive summary.
Unit 4 - International Customer Communications: respecting differences in cultural attitudes and behaviors; summarizing a meeting; describing a target market segment; adapting a message for a new market; presenting and giving feedback on concepts.
Course Goals: この講習は日常的に外国と取引されているライセンス、コンテンツ及び一般的なマーケティング環境に働いている方やこの分野にご興味のある方を対象となります。英語力は中級以上です(TOEICを持っている場合:550+程度)。基本教材はケンブリッジ大学出版局の「Cambridge English for Marketing」というマーケティング専門家によって書かれた、不可欠な専門知識、及びコミュニケーションスキルを養成するコースブックです。これに加え、海外のライセンス業界をリアルに使用されている業界誌、ソーシャルメディア、出版物などから資料を使用され業界用語やトレンドなどを学びます。コースブックは約40~60時間で終了するように10ユニットに編集されていますが、今までの学期ではUnits 1-7はすでに学習済みで今回の講座では残りのUnits 8-10を中心に教材として使用する予定しています。また、受講生の状況によって今回の講習内容がかわることがあります。
This course is designed for professionals active in licensing, creative content or general marketing environments that work or are considering working with overseas companies on a daily basis. The course is suitable for intermediate level and above learners of English (guideline TOIEC score: 550+). The course book will be Cambridge English for Marketing (Cambridge University Press), a specialist text written by marketing experts covering the necessary knowledge and communications needed in marketing. Additionally, licensing terminology and trends will be taught through the use of real industry trade publications, social media and other types of publications. The whole course book requires 40 to 60 hours of teaching time. Previous semesters taught units 1 to 7 and this semester we aim to focus on the remaining 3 units. If student circumstances require it, the course content may change.
Course Topics:
Unit 1 - The Role of Marketing: describing your skills and qualifications; talking about organizations; describing marketing within an organisation; identifying stakeholders
Unit 2 - Marketing Plan 1 (analysis and objectives): outlining a marketing plan; carrying out a marketing analysis via various methods including SWOT; setting marketing objectives.
Unit 3 - Marketing Plan 2 (strategy and tactics): writing a marketing strategy; planning and discussing the marketing mix; presenting a marketing budget; writing an executive summary.
Unit 4 - International Customer Communications: respecting differences in cultural attitudes and behaviors; summarizing a meeting; describing a target market segment; adapting a message for a new market; presenting and giving feedback on concepts.
Course Period: April to September 2016
Course Goals: この講習は日常的に外国と取引されているライセンス、コンテンツ及び一般的なマーケティング環境に働いている方やこの分野にご興味のある方を対象となります。英語力は中級以上です(TOEICを持っている場合:550+程度)。基本教材はケンブリッジ大学出版局の「Cambridge English for Marketing」というマーケティング専門家によって書かれた、不可欠な専門知識、及びコミュニケーションスキルを養成するコースブックです。これに加え、海外のライセンス業界をリアルに使用されている業界誌、ソーシャルメディア、出版物などから資料を使用され業界用語やトレンドなどを学びます。コースブックは約40~60時間で終了するように10ユニットに編集されていますが、今までの学期ではUnits 1-7はすでに学習済みで今回の講座では残りのUnits 8-10を中心に教材として使用する予定しています。また、受講生の状況によって今回の講習内容がかわることがあります。
This course is designed for professionals active in licensing, creative content or general marketing environments that work or are considering working with overseas companies on a daily basis. The course is suitable for intermediate level and above learners of English (guideline TOIEC score: 550+). The course book will be Cambridge English for Marketing (Cambridge University Press), a specialist text written by marketing experts covering the necessary knowledge and communications needed in marketing. Additionally, licensing terminology and trends will be taught through the use of real industry trade publications, social media and other types of publications. The whole course book requires 40 to 60 hours of teaching time. Previous semesters taught units 1 to 7 and this semester we aim to focus on the remaining 3 units. If student circumstances require it, the course content may change.
Course Topics:
Unit 5 - Market Research: explaining research needs; formulating and explaining a market research plan; moderating a focus group; writing survey questions; explaining survey data.
Unit 6 - New Product Development (NPD) and Branding: discussing possibilities in an idea generation meeting; developing an idea into a concept statement; creating a brand; writing a brief for a brand identity.
Unit 7 - Product Launch & Promotion: creating and presenting a marketing message; presenting the promotional mix; communicating effectively to internal stakeholders; planning and writing a press release.
Course Goals: この講習は日常的に外国と取引されているライセンス、コンテンツ及び一般的なマーケティング環境に働いている方やこの分野にご興味のある方を対象となります。英語力は中級以上です(TOEICを持っている場合:550+程度)。基本教材はケンブリッジ大学出版局の「Cambridge English for Marketing」というマーケティング専門家によって書かれた、不可欠な専門知識、及びコミュニケーションスキルを養成するコースブックです。これに加え、海外のライセンス業界をリアルに使用されている業界誌、ソーシャルメディア、出版物などから資料を使用され業界用語やトレンドなどを学びます。コースブックは約40~60時間で終了するように10ユニットに編集されていますが、今までの学期ではUnits 1-7はすでに学習済みで今回の講座では残りのUnits 8-10を中心に教材として使用する予定しています。また、受講生の状況によって今回の講習内容がかわることがあります。
This course is designed for professionals active in licensing, creative content or general marketing environments that work or are considering working with overseas companies on a daily basis. The course is suitable for intermediate level and above learners of English (guideline TOIEC score: 550+). The course book will be Cambridge English for Marketing (Cambridge University Press), a specialist text written by marketing experts covering the necessary knowledge and communications needed in marketing. Additionally, licensing terminology and trends will be taught through the use of real industry trade publications, social media and other types of publications. The whole course book requires 40 to 60 hours of teaching time. Previous semesters taught units 1 to 7 and this semester we aim to focus on the remaining 3 units. If student circumstances require it, the course content may change.
Course Topics:
Unit 5 - Market Research: explaining research needs; formulating and explaining a market research plan; moderating a focus group; writing survey questions; explaining survey data.
Unit 6 - New Product Development (NPD) and Branding: discussing possibilities in an idea generation meeting; developing an idea into a concept statement; creating a brand; writing a brief for a brand identity.
Unit 7 - Product Launch & Promotion: creating and presenting a marketing message; presenting the promotional mix; communicating effectively to internal stakeholders; planning and writing a press release.
Course Period: October 2016 to March 2017
Course Goals: この講習は日常的に外国と取引されているライセンス、コンテンツ及び一般的なマーケティング環境に働いている方やこの分野にご興味のある方を対象となります。英語力は中級以上です(TOEICを持っている場合:550+程度)。基本教材はケンブリッジ大学出版局の「Cambridge English for Marketing」というマーケティング専門家によって書かれた、不可欠な専門知識、及びコミュニケーションスキルを養成するコースブックです。これに加え、海外のライセンス業界をリアルに使用されている業界誌、ソーシャルメディア、出版物などから資料を使用され業界用語やトレンドなどを学びます。コースブックは約40~60時間で終了するように10ユニットに編集されていますが、今までの学期ではUnits 1-7はすでに学習済みで今回の講座では残りのUnits 8-10を中心に教材として使用する予定しています。また、受講生の状況によって今回の講習内容がかわることがあります。This course is designed for professionals active in licensing, creative content or general marketing environments that work or are considering working with overseas companies on a daily basis. The course is suitable for intermediate level and above learners of English (guideline TOIEC score: 550+). The course book will be Cambridge English for Marketing (Cambridge University Press), a specialist text written by marketing experts covering the necessary knowledge and communications needed in marketing. Additionally, licensing terminology and trends will be taught through the use of real industry trade publications, social media and other types of publications. The whole course book requires 40 to 60 hours of teaching time. Previous semesters taught units 1 to 7 and this semester we aim to focus on the remaining 3 units. If student circumstances require it, the course content may change.
Course Topics:
Unit 8 - Digital Marketing: talking about results; making your point persuasively; discussing digital marketing objectives and tools; writing good web copy.
Unit 9 - Agencies and Suppliers: responding to a request for information from a potential client; pitching informally to a potential client; choosing a supplier based on selection criteria, evaluating good copy.
Unit 10 - Exhibitions and Events: booking a stand at an event; dealing with a visitor to the stand; networking at a social event; writing a follow-up email.
Course Goals: この講習は日常的に外国と取引されているライセンス、コンテンツ及び一般的なマーケティング環境に働いている方やこの分野にご興味のある方を対象となります。英語力は中級以上です(TOEICを持っている場合:550+程度)。基本教材はケンブリッジ大学出版局の「Cambridge English for Marketing」というマーケティング専門家によって書かれた、不可欠な専門知識、及びコミュニケーションスキルを養成するコースブックです。これに加え、海外のライセンス業界をリアルに使用されている業界誌、ソーシャルメディア、出版物などから資料を使用され業界用語やトレンドなどを学びます。コースブックは約40~60時間で終了するように10ユニットに編集されていますが、今までの学期ではUnits 1-7はすでに学習済みで今回の講座では残りのUnits 8-10を中心に教材として使用する予定しています。また、受講生の状況によって今回の講習内容がかわることがあります。This course is designed for professionals active in licensing, creative content or general marketing environments that work or are considering working with overseas companies on a daily basis. The course is suitable for intermediate level and above learners of English (guideline TOIEC score: 550+). The course book will be Cambridge English for Marketing (Cambridge University Press), a specialist text written by marketing experts covering the necessary knowledge and communications needed in marketing. Additionally, licensing terminology and trends will be taught through the use of real industry trade publications, social media and other types of publications. The whole course book requires 40 to 60 hours of teaching time. Previous semesters taught units 1 to 7 and this semester we aim to focus on the remaining 3 units. If student circumstances require it, the course content may change.
Course Topics:
Unit 8 - Digital Marketing: talking about results; making your point persuasively; discussing digital marketing objectives and tools; writing good web copy.
Unit 9 - Agencies and Suppliers: responding to a request for information from a potential client; pitching informally to a potential client; choosing a supplier based on selection criteria, evaluating good copy.
Unit 10 - Exhibitions and Events: booking a stand at an event; dealing with a visitor to the stand; networking at a social event; writing a follow-up email.
Course Period: April to September 2017
Course Goals: To further students advanced English skill sets across contents and licensing in the areas of rights negotiation, creative, legal and marketing. Materials will be from freely available online and offline sources. More emphasis will be placed on video content to further listening comprehension of native English speakers in different accents.
Course Topics:
Session 1: Article on Fast Fashion
Session 2: Video content – Japan Licensing Market Webinar
Session 3: Rights Negotiation 1 – Licensor & Licensee Aspects
Session 4: Video Content from YouTube
Session 5: Rights Negotiation 2
Session 6: Presenting & Pitching 102
Session 7: International Marketing
Session 8: Licensing Legal Basics – including basic coverage of easier terms & conditions
Session 9: The Language of Creative Approvals
Session 10: Research Project
Session 11: Pekakucha-style 20x20 Presentations - Overview and Learning
Session 12: Pekakucha-style Presentations 5x20 - Activation
Course Goals: To further students advanced English skill sets across contents and licensing in the areas of rights negotiation, creative, legal and marketing. Materials will be from freely available online and offline sources. More emphasis will be placed on video content to further listening comprehension of native English speakers in different accents.
Course Topics:
Session 1: Article on Fast Fashion
Session 2: Video content – Japan Licensing Market Webinar
Session 3: Rights Negotiation 1 – Licensor & Licensee Aspects
Session 4: Video Content from YouTube
Session 5: Rights Negotiation 2
Session 6: Presenting & Pitching 102
Session 7: International Marketing
Session 8: Licensing Legal Basics – including basic coverage of easier terms & conditions
Session 9: The Language of Creative Approvals
Session 10: Research Project
Session 11: Pekakucha-style 20x20 Presentations - Overview and Learning
Session 12: Pekakucha-style Presentations 5x20 - Activation
Course Period: November 2017 to June 2018
Course Goals: To further students advanced English skill sets in contents and licensing with a special focus on using topical and up-to-date licensing materials from a variety of multimedia sources. Through the use of various written and audio-visual media, students will be able to respectively improve their specialist vocabulary and hearing skills. We will spend more time to enhance presentation skills.Also, 3 new features of this semester will be:
Session 1 - Tuesday 7 November 2017: Describing a Product Design
Session 2 - Tuesday 21 November 2017: Video Content on Brands and Social Media
Session 3 - Tuesday 5 December 2017: Team Debate: “Is Licensing a Good Career Choice?”
Session 4 - Tuesday 12 December 2017: Video Content - Pechakucha-style; Student Show & Tell
Session 5 - Tuesday 16 January 2018: Students Pechakucha-style Presentations & Feedback
Session 6 - Tuesday 30 January 2018: Article on Comparing US and Japan Retailing; Licensing Live Chat Preparation; Student Show & Tell
Session 7 - Tuesday 13 February 2018: Licensing Live Chat #1 with Becky Ash, Editorial Director, Total Licensing. Becky writes on the latest licensing trends
Session 8 - Tuesday 27 February 2018: Professional Business Email Writing #1; Student Show & Tell
Session 9 - Tuesday 13 March 2018: Students Selected Topic
Session 10 - Tuesday 27 March 2018: Professional Business Email Writing #2; Student Show & Tell
Session 11 - Tuesday 8 May 2018: Licensing Live Chat #2 with Jane Garner, Owner, kilogrammedia. Jane is a licensing industry public relations specialist; Student Show & Tell
Session 12 - Tuesday 5 June 2018: Field Activity (outside classroom)
Course Goals: To further students advanced English skill sets in contents and licensing with a special focus on using topical and up-to-date licensing materials from a variety of multimedia sources. Through the use of various written and audio-visual media, students will be able to respectively improve their specialist vocabulary and hearing skills. We will spend more time to enhance presentation skills.Also, 3 new features of this semester will be:
- “Show & Tell” – students will present a recent product or service they have introduced. Presentation time: no more than 5 minutes.
- Student-chosen topic – students choose the topic and with one month’s notice, the teacher will plan the lesson.
- “Licensing Live Chat” with licensing professionals from Europe via web video
Session 1 - Tuesday 7 November 2017: Describing a Product Design
Session 2 - Tuesday 21 November 2017: Video Content on Brands and Social Media
Session 3 - Tuesday 5 December 2017: Team Debate: “Is Licensing a Good Career Choice?”
Session 4 - Tuesday 12 December 2017: Video Content - Pechakucha-style; Student Show & Tell
Session 5 - Tuesday 16 January 2018: Students Pechakucha-style Presentations & Feedback
Session 6 - Tuesday 30 January 2018: Article on Comparing US and Japan Retailing; Licensing Live Chat Preparation; Student Show & Tell
Session 7 - Tuesday 13 February 2018: Licensing Live Chat #1 with Becky Ash, Editorial Director, Total Licensing. Becky writes on the latest licensing trends
Session 8 - Tuesday 27 February 2018: Professional Business Email Writing #1; Student Show & Tell
Session 9 - Tuesday 13 March 2018: Students Selected Topic
Session 10 - Tuesday 27 March 2018: Professional Business Email Writing #2; Student Show & Tell
Session 11 - Tuesday 8 May 2018: Licensing Live Chat #2 with Jane Garner, Owner, kilogrammedia. Jane is a licensing industry public relations specialist; Student Show & Tell
Session 12 - Tuesday 5 June 2018: Field Activity (outside classroom)
Course Period: June 2018 to January 2019
Course Goals: The goals of this semester are to continue developing the students advanced English skills sets in contents and licensing focusing on using topical and up-to-date licensing materials from a variety of multimedia sources. We will continue with articles from various licensing publications, blogs and video content. Through the use of various print and audio-visual media, students will be able to respectively improve their specialist vocabulary and hearing skills.
Specific features of this semester:
*Session #1 (Tuesday 19 June): Overview, Discussion and Feedback on EGL#8 curriculum; Group Setting of EGL#9 Curriculum: Discussion Topic - What is Licensing?
*Session #2 (Tuesday 3 July): Licensing Article - Movie Franchise Licensing
*Session#3 (Tuesday 31 July): Team Debate: Are Licensing Agents Necessary?
*Session#4 (Tuesday 21 August): Show & Tell - Student #1; Dictation & Numbers
*Session#5 (Tuesday 4 September): Show & Tell - Student #2; Presentation Skills #1 of 5 - Kick Off
● Discussion - What Is A Good Presentation? ● Video - Presentations
● Key Areas - Fundamentals Of A Good Presentation (Technical Aspects)
*Session#6 (Tuesday 30 October): Show & Tell - Student #3 Presentation Skills #2 of 5 - Language Activities
● Stating Your Goal/Purpose ● Signposting ● Clarification ● Using Your Voice;
Students Question Preparation for Licensing Live Chat #1
*Session#7 (Thursday 8 November): Licensing Live Chat #1 with Guest #1
*Session#8 (Tuesday 13 November): Show & Tell - Student #4 Presentation Skills #3 of 5 - Toastmaster Contests for Ad Hoc Language Use
*Session#9 (Thursday 13 December): Show & Tell - Student #4; Presentation Skills #4 of 5 - Scenario & Role Play Preparation
*Session#10 (Monday 17 December) (followed by Year-End Party): Show & Tell - Student #6 & Teacher; Presentation Skills #5 of 5 - Programme Recap & Group Feedback; Students Question Preparation for Licensing Live Chat #2
*Session#11 (Tuesday 15 January): Licensing Live Chat #2 with Guest #2
*Session#12 (Tuesday 29 January): Summarizing English
Course Goals: The goals of this semester are to continue developing the students advanced English skills sets in contents and licensing focusing on using topical and up-to-date licensing materials from a variety of multimedia sources. We will continue with articles from various licensing publications, blogs and video content. Through the use of various print and audio-visual media, students will be able to respectively improve their specialist vocabulary and hearing skills.
Specific features of this semester:
- Licensing Presentation Skills – specific curriculum over 4 or 5 sessions, based on ZenWorks previous workshop - Introducing Your Company Effectively.
- More “Licensing Live Chat” with licensing professionals from Europe.
- Show & Tell topic - Your All-time Favorite Song.
*Session #1 (Tuesday 19 June): Overview, Discussion and Feedback on EGL#8 curriculum; Group Setting of EGL#9 Curriculum: Discussion Topic - What is Licensing?
*Session #2 (Tuesday 3 July): Licensing Article - Movie Franchise Licensing
*Session#3 (Tuesday 31 July): Team Debate: Are Licensing Agents Necessary?
*Session#4 (Tuesday 21 August): Show & Tell - Student #1; Dictation & Numbers
*Session#5 (Tuesday 4 September): Show & Tell - Student #2; Presentation Skills #1 of 5 - Kick Off
● Discussion - What Is A Good Presentation? ● Video - Presentations
● Key Areas - Fundamentals Of A Good Presentation (Technical Aspects)
*Session#6 (Tuesday 30 October): Show & Tell - Student #3 Presentation Skills #2 of 5 - Language Activities
● Stating Your Goal/Purpose ● Signposting ● Clarification ● Using Your Voice;
Students Question Preparation for Licensing Live Chat #1
*Session#7 (Thursday 8 November): Licensing Live Chat #1 with Guest #1
*Session#8 (Tuesday 13 November): Show & Tell - Student #4 Presentation Skills #3 of 5 - Toastmaster Contests for Ad Hoc Language Use
*Session#9 (Thursday 13 December): Show & Tell - Student #4; Presentation Skills #4 of 5 - Scenario & Role Play Preparation
*Session#10 (Monday 17 December) (followed by Year-End Party): Show & Tell - Student #6 & Teacher; Presentation Skills #5 of 5 - Programme Recap & Group Feedback; Students Question Preparation for Licensing Live Chat #2
*Session#11 (Tuesday 15 January): Licensing Live Chat #2 with Guest #2
*Session#12 (Tuesday 29 January): Summarizing English
Course Period: February 2019 to July 2019
Course Goals: 既存の上級講座の続きです。教材はリアルなライセンシングとコンテンツのニュース記事、ソーシャルメディア、YouTubeやその他のビデオコンテンツ、また業界の海外にいるキーパーソンとビデオ会議、などを使用しハイレベルなコンテンツ英語を目指す。このコースのカリキュラムは参加される生徒の構成やニーズに合わせてカスタマイズされます。
This course is a continuation of an existing advanced course. Class materials are based on actual news articles, social media, YouTube and other video content, and video conferencing with industry key players overseas. The aim is to deliver industry-specific, high-level English to the students. This course is customized to the makeup and needs of the participating students.
Specific features of this semester:
#1 Thursday 14 February: Feedback on EGL#9 curriculum; presentation and discussion of EGL#10 topics; Contents article - publishing industry contents focused
#2 Tuesday 26 February: video content – fashion industry focused
#3 Tuesday 12 March: Understanding A License Agreement - Part 1 of 3
#4 Tuesday 26 March: Show & Tell – Licensing Live Chat #1 - onsite discussion with US MBA candidate specializing in anime
#5 Tuesday 9 April: Show & Tell – student #1; The Awards Process Part 1 of 2 - introduction and outline
#6 Tuesday 16 April: Show & Tell – students #2 & #3; The Awards Process Part 2 of 2 - creative writing
#7 Tuesday 14 May: Show & Tell – student #4; Contents article - blockchain focused
#8 Tuesday 21 May: Show & Tell – student #5; Understanding A License Agreement ("Protecting the Brand") - Part 2 of 3
#9 Tuesday 11 June: Show & Tell – student #6; Reading contents newsletters - absorbing information; quick reading methods
#10 Tuesday 25 June: Show & Tell – student #7; Free discussion focused topic - “Are Trade Shows A Good Business Strategy"
#11 Tuesday 9 July: Famous Designers & Creators Series #1: Jony Ives
#12 Tuesday 30 July: Understanding A License Agreement - Part 3 of 3
Course Goals: 既存の上級講座の続きです。教材はリアルなライセンシングとコンテンツのニュース記事、ソーシャルメディア、YouTubeやその他のビデオコンテンツ、また業界の海外にいるキーパーソンとビデオ会議、などを使用しハイレベルなコンテンツ英語を目指す。このコースのカリキュラムは参加される生徒の構成やニーズに合わせてカスタマイズされます。
This course is a continuation of an existing advanced course. Class materials are based on actual news articles, social media, YouTube and other video content, and video conferencing with industry key players overseas. The aim is to deliver industry-specific, high-level English to the students. This course is customized to the makeup and needs of the participating students.
Specific features of this semester:
- Understanding a Licensing Agreement - we will look at some important features of a merchandising license. While students are familiar with Japanese-language agreements, comprehending the equivalent English-language terminology is also a useful skill to have.
- The Awards Process - nominating IP for awards is an increasingly popular method to gain PR for a brand. Students will spend time learning about the awards for licensing and broadcast and will be challenged with a creative writing exercise.
- Licensing Live Chat with licensing professionals from Europe and (NEW!) Asia via Skype video (to be confirmed).
- Show & Tell – choose either The Person I Respect the Most or The Worst Licensed Product Ever and present in a fast-paced presentation style 3 x 60 format (3 slides with each slide 60 seconds).
#1 Thursday 14 February: Feedback on EGL#9 curriculum; presentation and discussion of EGL#10 topics; Contents article - publishing industry contents focused
#2 Tuesday 26 February: video content – fashion industry focused
#3 Tuesday 12 March: Understanding A License Agreement - Part 1 of 3
#4 Tuesday 26 March: Show & Tell – Licensing Live Chat #1 - onsite discussion with US MBA candidate specializing in anime
#5 Tuesday 9 April: Show & Tell – student #1; The Awards Process Part 1 of 2 - introduction and outline
#6 Tuesday 16 April: Show & Tell – students #2 & #3; The Awards Process Part 2 of 2 - creative writing
#7 Tuesday 14 May: Show & Tell – student #4; Contents article - blockchain focused
#8 Tuesday 21 May: Show & Tell – student #5; Understanding A License Agreement ("Protecting the Brand") - Part 2 of 3
#9 Tuesday 11 June: Show & Tell – student #6; Reading contents newsletters - absorbing information; quick reading methods
#10 Tuesday 25 June: Show & Tell – student #7; Free discussion focused topic - “Are Trade Shows A Good Business Strategy"
#11 Tuesday 9 July: Famous Designers & Creators Series #1: Jony Ives
#12 Tuesday 30 July: Understanding A License Agreement - Part 3 of 3
Course Period: September 2019 to February 2020
Course Goals: 既存の上級講座の続きです。教材はリアルなライセンシングとコンテンツのニュース記事、ソーシャルメディア、YouTubeやその他のビデオコンテンツ、また業界の海外にいるキーパーソンとビデオ会議、などを使用しハイレベルなコンテンツ英語を目指す。このコースのカリキュラムは参加される生徒の構成やニーズに合わせてカスタマイズされます。
This course is a continuation of an existing advanced course. Class materials are based on actual news articles, social media, YouTube and other video content, and video conferencing with industry key players overseas. The aim is to deliver industry-specific, high-level English to the students. This course is customized to the makeup and needs of the participating students.
Specific features of this semester:
#1 Tuesday 10 September: Feedback on EGL#10 curriculum; presentation and discussion of EGL#11 topics; Contents Trend article - Nostalgia in Licensing
#2 Tuesday 10 September: video content – Celebrity Influencers in Fashion Licensing;
#3 Tuesday 29 October: Explaining Japan #1 - discussion and project outline; Asian Licensing Live Chat #1 - student preparation
#4 Tuesday 5 November: Student #1 Show & Tell; Asian Licensing Live Chat #1
#5 Tuesday 12 November: Contents Trend article - Experiential Licensing Worldwide
#6 Tuesday 19 November: Student #2 Show & Tell; Explaining Japan #2 - project outcome presentations
#7 Tuesday 10 December: Student #3 Show & Tell; video content: Sales Pitching
#8 Tuesday 17 December: Christmas Scrabble Night (word game); post-class Christmas party
#9 Tuesday 14 January: Student #4 Show & Tell; Video content - anime focused
#10 Tuesday 28 January: Asian Licensing Live Chat #2 - student preparation; Content Trend article: Kids Trends
#11 Thursday 13 February: Student #5 Show & Tell; video content: Influential Creatives #2 (Design)
#12 Tuesday 25 February: Asian Licensing Live Chat #2
Course Goals: 既存の上級講座の続きです。教材はリアルなライセンシングとコンテンツのニュース記事、ソーシャルメディア、YouTubeやその他のビデオコンテンツ、また業界の海外にいるキーパーソンとビデオ会議、などを使用しハイレベルなコンテンツ英語を目指す。このコースのカリキュラムは参加される生徒の構成やニーズに合わせてカスタマイズされます。
This course is a continuation of an existing advanced course. Class materials are based on actual news articles, social media, YouTube and other video content, and video conferencing with industry key players overseas. The aim is to deliver industry-specific, high-level English to the students. This course is customized to the makeup and needs of the participating students.
Specific features of this semester:
- Explaining Japan - students will acquire the necessary communication skills and vocabulary to explain basic features of the Japanese market, culminating in a role play field trip to Harajuku to guide a visiting overseas client around.
- Content Business Trends - current trends such as influencers, experiential licensing and nostalgia in the contents business will be explored through video and news articles.
- Influential Creatives - students will examine through video interviews, how influential creatives think in the areas of fashion and design.
- Asian Licensing Live Chat - our regular realtime discussions with licensing professionals will shift to the East Asian region, markets that are easily accessible for Japanese IP, and the accompanying business opportunities. Two sessions are slated for this semester.
- Show & Tell – students are tasked with presenting a pre-chosen subject in a short three slide x 60 second per slide format. Topics this semester are either My Favourite Smartphone App or The Most Useless Gadget I Ever Bought or Service I Subscribed To.
#1 Tuesday 10 September: Feedback on EGL#10 curriculum; presentation and discussion of EGL#11 topics; Contents Trend article - Nostalgia in Licensing
#2 Tuesday 10 September: video content – Celebrity Influencers in Fashion Licensing;
#3 Tuesday 29 October: Explaining Japan #1 - discussion and project outline; Asian Licensing Live Chat #1 - student preparation
#4 Tuesday 5 November: Student #1 Show & Tell; Asian Licensing Live Chat #1
#5 Tuesday 12 November: Contents Trend article - Experiential Licensing Worldwide
#6 Tuesday 19 November: Student #2 Show & Tell; Explaining Japan #2 - project outcome presentations
#7 Tuesday 10 December: Student #3 Show & Tell; video content: Sales Pitching
#8 Tuesday 17 December: Christmas Scrabble Night (word game); post-class Christmas party
#9 Tuesday 14 January: Student #4 Show & Tell; Video content - anime focused
#10 Tuesday 28 January: Asian Licensing Live Chat #2 - student preparation; Content Trend article: Kids Trends
#11 Thursday 13 February: Student #5 Show & Tell; video content: Influential Creatives #2 (Design)
#12 Tuesday 25 February: Asian Licensing Live Chat #2
Course Period: April 2020 to September 2020
Course Goals: 既存の上級講座の続きです。教材はリアルなライセンシングとコンテンツのニュース記事、ソーシャルメディア、YouTubeやその他のビデオコンテンツ、また業界の海外にいるキーパーソンとビデオ会議、などを使用しハイレベルなコンテンツ英語を目指す。このコースのカリキュラムは参加される生徒の構成やニーズに合わせてカスタマイズされます。
This course is a continuation of an existing advanced course. Class materials are based on actual news articles, social media, YouTube and other video content, and video conferencing with industry key players overseas. The aim is to deliver industry-specific, high-level English to the students. This course is customized to the makeup and needs of the participating students.
Specific features of this semester:
#1 Tuesday 7 April: EGL#11 Curriculum Feedback; Presentation/Discussion of EGL#12 Topics; Contents Trend Article - Sustainability in Licensing; TOEIC Practice Corner
#2 Tuesday 21 April: Video Content – Cool Japan
#3 Tuesday 12 May: Student #1 Show & Tell; Contents Trend article - VR/AR/MR in Licensing; Global Licensing Live Chat #1 - Student Preparation; TOEIC Practice Corner
#4 Tuesday 2 June: Student #2 Show & Tell; Video Content: Influential Creatives (Publishing)
#5 Tuesday 16 June: Licensing Live Chat #1 - Europe
#6 Tuesday 30 June: Student #3 Show & Tell; Video Content: Dragon’s Den - Contents/Licensing Focused Business Pitch; TOEIC Practice Corner
#7 Tuesday 7 July: Contents Trend Article - Exporting Japan Content
#8 Tuesday 21 July: Student #4 Show & Tell; Video content - Anime/Manga Theme
#9 Tuesday 4 August: Contents Trend article - Toys & Licensing; Global Licensing Live Chat #2 - Student Preparation; TOEIC Practice Corner
#10 Wednesday 26 August: Student #5 Show & Tell; Video Content: Influential Creatives (Cultural Brand)
#11 Tuesday 8 September: Licensing Live Chat #2: Europe
#12 Tuesday 29 September: Student #6 Show & Tell; Debate: Student Chosen Topic
Course Goals: 既存の上級講座の続きです。教材はリアルなライセンシングとコンテンツのニュース記事、ソーシャルメディア、YouTubeやその他のビデオコンテンツ、また業界の海外にいるキーパーソンとビデオ会議、などを使用しハイレベルなコンテンツ英語を目指す。このコースのカリキュラムは参加される生徒の構成やニーズに合わせてカスタマイズされます。
This course is a continuation of an existing advanced course. Class materials are based on actual news articles, social media, YouTube and other video content, and video conferencing with industry key players overseas. The aim is to deliver industry-specific, high-level English to the students. This course is customized to the makeup and needs of the participating students.
Specific features of this semester:
- Content Business Trends - current trends in contents business such as sustainability, "Cool Japan", VR/AR/MR and exporting Japan contents will be explored through video, news articles and debate.
- Influential Creatives - students will examine through video interviews, how influential creatives think in the areas of children's publishing and cultural brands.
- Global Licensing Live Chats - our popular real-time discussions with licensing professionals in Europe and Asia. Students get to interact with key market players/influencers to discuss market situations and business opportunities.
- Show & Tell - students are tasked with presenting a pre-chosen subject in a short three slide x 30 second per slide format in the spirit of the PechaKucha format. Topics this semester are either "The Movie, TV Program or Book That Influenced Me The Most" or "If I Transformed Into A Famous Actor.....Who and Why?"
- TOEIC Practice Corner - a brief end of class session to hone students' vocabulary and TOEIC test-taking skills.
#1 Tuesday 7 April: EGL#11 Curriculum Feedback; Presentation/Discussion of EGL#12 Topics; Contents Trend Article - Sustainability in Licensing; TOEIC Practice Corner
#2 Tuesday 21 April: Video Content – Cool Japan
#3 Tuesday 12 May: Student #1 Show & Tell; Contents Trend article - VR/AR/MR in Licensing; Global Licensing Live Chat #1 - Student Preparation; TOEIC Practice Corner
#4 Tuesday 2 June: Student #2 Show & Tell; Video Content: Influential Creatives (Publishing)
#5 Tuesday 16 June: Licensing Live Chat #1 - Europe
#6 Tuesday 30 June: Student #3 Show & Tell; Video Content: Dragon’s Den - Contents/Licensing Focused Business Pitch; TOEIC Practice Corner
#7 Tuesday 7 July: Contents Trend Article - Exporting Japan Content
#8 Tuesday 21 July: Student #4 Show & Tell; Video content - Anime/Manga Theme
#9 Tuesday 4 August: Contents Trend article - Toys & Licensing; Global Licensing Live Chat #2 - Student Preparation; TOEIC Practice Corner
#10 Wednesday 26 August: Student #5 Show & Tell; Video Content: Influential Creatives (Cultural Brand)
#11 Tuesday 8 September: Licensing Live Chat #2: Europe
#12 Tuesday 29 September: Student #6 Show & Tell; Debate: Student Chosen Topic
英語でライセンスビジネスの基礎 (初中級~)
英語でライセンスビジネスの基礎 (初中級~)
Course Period: June 2020 to September 2020
Course Goals:
This course will provide an overview of licensing basics for new company hires or professionals interested in the industry. It is especially appropriate for staff commencing in international business related to the content, licensing, branding and broadcasting sectors. The course is geared to pre-intermediate or above English skills. However, the trainer might use both English and Japanese depending on the actual English-language level of the participants.
Key Outcomes 主な成果
Students will gain understanding in the following areas 受講生は以下を習得する:
Course Sessions コースのセッション
#1 Tuesday 23 June 2020 - What’s It All About ライセンスとは
#2 Monday 6 July - Who Does What 人材の役割と関係
#3 Wednesday 22 July - Deep Delving Brands プロパティ研究
#4 Thursday 6 August - Know Your Rights 法的な基礎
#5 Thursday 20 August - Read Before Signing ライセンス契約の主な部分
#6 Thursday 3 September - The World’s Your Oyster 海外展開
#7 Friday 4 September - All Together Now まとめ・Q&A・フリートーキング・オンライン飲み会
Course Goals:
This course will provide an overview of licensing basics for new company hires or professionals interested in the industry. It is especially appropriate for staff commencing in international business related to the content, licensing, branding and broadcasting sectors. The course is geared to pre-intermediate or above English skills. However, the trainer might use both English and Japanese depending on the actual English-language level of the participants.
Key Outcomes 主な成果
Students will gain understanding in the following areas 受講生は以下を習得する:
- Licensing business basics ライセンスビジネスの基礎的な仕組
- Key terminology 主な専門用語
- Comprehension of industry roles 業界内の各役割
- Knowledge of the various types of IP プロパティーの種類
- Awareness of IP legal basics IP関連の法的な基礎
- License contract key areas ライセンス契約の主な部分
Course Sessions コースのセッション
#1 Tuesday 23 June 2020 - What’s It All About ライセンスとは
#2 Monday 6 July - Who Does What 人材の役割と関係
#3 Wednesday 22 July - Deep Delving Brands プロパティ研究
#4 Thursday 6 August - Know Your Rights 法的な基礎
#5 Thursday 20 August - Read Before Signing ライセンス契約の主な部分
#6 Thursday 3 September - The World’s Your Oyster 海外展開
#7 Friday 4 September - All Together Now まとめ・Q&A・フリートーキング・オンライン飲み会
Course Period: December 2020 to June 2021
Course Goals: 長く続いている上級者向けの人気講座の続きです。多くの受講生がリピーターとなっています。クラスの教材は、実際のニュース記事、ソーシャルメディア、オンラインビデオコンテンツを通じライセンシングとコンテンツ分野のビジネストレンドに基づいています。「ライセンシングライブチャット」セッションを通じて、受講者は海外の影響力のある業界のキーパーソンと独占的に語る機会があり、新たなビジネス関係の形成を促進します。この教育プログラムは、業界に特化したハイレベルなコンテンツ英語を受講生に提供します。実践的に可能な限り、参加する受講生の仕事分野のニーズに合わせてカリキュラムをカスタマイズし、仕事との関連性を確保しています。
This course is a continuation of our longest running and highly popular class for advanced learners. Many students are repeaters. Class materials are based on licensing and content sector business trends delivered through actual news articles, social media, and online video content. Through our Licensing Live Chat sessions, learners gain exclusive access to influential industry professionals overseas - interaction that encourages the forming of new business relationships. This educational program delivers industry-specific, high-level English to the students. As much as practically possible, the curriculum is customized to the makeup and needs of the participating students, ensuring relevance for their work.
#1 - Tuesday 15 December 2020
Theme: Animation
Content: Reading The News: animation business article from a leading international newspaper.
Skills Focus: speed reading comprehension, advanced vocabulary building
#2 - Tuesday 19 January 2021
Theme: Trade Fairs
Content: “Trade Fairs In The Post-Pandemic World”. A discussion-based lesson on how we learn and adjust to virtual and physical trade shows. Discussion will incorporate shared learnings from all students and tips and tricks to ensure your successful participation.
Skills Focus: discussion, hearing, sharing opinions.
#3 - Tuesday 9 February 2021
Theme: Debate
Content: “Why Do We Need Licensing Agents”
Skills Focus: speaking, debating, sharing opinions, questioning.
#4 - Tuesday 2 March 2021
Theme: Publishing
Content: Publishing article: Protecting Valuable Ideas"
Skills Focus: reading comprehension, speaking, sharing opinions
#5 - Tuesday 23 March 2021
Theme: Licensing Live Chat
Content: Zoom meetup with licensing industry veteran from India.
Skills Focus: research, question, preparation
#6 - Tuesday 20 April 2021
Theme: Licensing Trends
Content: Trend article and/or video from industry publication. Students will also be asked to prepare and present one or two industry trends to share with the class.
Skills Focus: speed reading comprehension, advanced vocabulary building.
#7 - Tuesday 18 May 2021
Theme: Inspired by Dragon's Den
Content: Video-based lesson looking at interesting business pitches. Students will have the opportunity to prepare their own business pitch with other students acting as the judges.
Skills Focus: listening comprehension, oral presentation skills.
#8 - Tuesday 8 June 2021
Theme: Inspired by Pechakucha
Content: Student’s Presentations. Students will choose a topic as the beginning of the semester and present at this last session in a 10 slides x 20 sec/slide format. Students will choose a topic as the beginning of the semester and present at this last session. Topic can be either business or personal related.
Course Goals: 長く続いている上級者向けの人気講座の続きです。多くの受講生がリピーターとなっています。クラスの教材は、実際のニュース記事、ソーシャルメディア、オンラインビデオコンテンツを通じライセンシングとコンテンツ分野のビジネストレンドに基づいています。「ライセンシングライブチャット」セッションを通じて、受講者は海外の影響力のある業界のキーパーソンと独占的に語る機会があり、新たなビジネス関係の形成を促進します。この教育プログラムは、業界に特化したハイレベルなコンテンツ英語を受講生に提供します。実践的に可能な限り、参加する受講生の仕事分野のニーズに合わせてカリキュラムをカスタマイズし、仕事との関連性を確保しています。
This course is a continuation of our longest running and highly popular class for advanced learners. Many students are repeaters. Class materials are based on licensing and content sector business trends delivered through actual news articles, social media, and online video content. Through our Licensing Live Chat sessions, learners gain exclusive access to influential industry professionals overseas - interaction that encourages the forming of new business relationships. This educational program delivers industry-specific, high-level English to the students. As much as practically possible, the curriculum is customized to the makeup and needs of the participating students, ensuring relevance for their work.
#1 - Tuesday 15 December 2020
Theme: Animation
Content: Reading The News: animation business article from a leading international newspaper.
Skills Focus: speed reading comprehension, advanced vocabulary building
#2 - Tuesday 19 January 2021
Theme: Trade Fairs
Content: “Trade Fairs In The Post-Pandemic World”. A discussion-based lesson on how we learn and adjust to virtual and physical trade shows. Discussion will incorporate shared learnings from all students and tips and tricks to ensure your successful participation.
Skills Focus: discussion, hearing, sharing opinions.
#3 - Tuesday 9 February 2021
Theme: Debate
Content: “Why Do We Need Licensing Agents”
Skills Focus: speaking, debating, sharing opinions, questioning.
#4 - Tuesday 2 March 2021
Theme: Publishing
Content: Publishing article: Protecting Valuable Ideas"
Skills Focus: reading comprehension, speaking, sharing opinions
#5 - Tuesday 23 March 2021
Theme: Licensing Live Chat
Content: Zoom meetup with licensing industry veteran from India.
Skills Focus: research, question, preparation
#6 - Tuesday 20 April 2021
Theme: Licensing Trends
Content: Trend article and/or video from industry publication. Students will also be asked to prepare and present one or two industry trends to share with the class.
Skills Focus: speed reading comprehension, advanced vocabulary building.
#7 - Tuesday 18 May 2021
Theme: Inspired by Dragon's Den
Content: Video-based lesson looking at interesting business pitches. Students will have the opportunity to prepare their own business pitch with other students acting as the judges.
Skills Focus: listening comprehension, oral presentation skills.
#8 - Tuesday 8 June 2021
Theme: Inspired by Pechakucha
Content: Student’s Presentations. Students will choose a topic as the beginning of the semester and present at this last session in a 10 slides x 20 sec/slide format. Students will choose a topic as the beginning of the semester and present at this last session. Topic can be either business or personal related.
英語でライセンスビジネスの基礎 (初中級~)
英語でライセンスビジネスの基礎 (初中級~)
Course Period: April 2021 to July 2021
Course Goals:
This course will provide an overview of merchandise and promotional licensing basics for new company hires or professionals interested in the industry. It is especially appropriate for staff commencing in international business related to the content, licensing, branding, marketing, retail and broadcast sectors. The course is geared to pre-intermediate or above English skills. However, the trainer might use both English and Japanese depending on the actual English-language level of the participants.
Key Outcomes 主な成果
Students will gain understanding in the following areas 受講生は以下を習得する:
Course Sessions コースのセッション
#1 Wednesday 21 April - What’s It All About ライセンスとは
#2 Tuesday 27 April - Who Does What 人材の役割と関係
#3 Wednesday 19 May - Deep Delving Brands プロパティ研究
#4 Wednesday 2 June - Know Your Rights 法的な基礎
#5 Wednesday 16 June - Read Before Signing ライセンス契約の主な部分
#6 Wednesday 30 June- The World’s Your Oyster 海外展開
#7 Wednesday 7 July - All Together Now まとめ・Q&A・フリートーキング・オンライン飲み会
Course Goals:
This course will provide an overview of merchandise and promotional licensing basics for new company hires or professionals interested in the industry. It is especially appropriate for staff commencing in international business related to the content, licensing, branding, marketing, retail and broadcast sectors. The course is geared to pre-intermediate or above English skills. However, the trainer might use both English and Japanese depending on the actual English-language level of the participants.
Key Outcomes 主な成果
Students will gain understanding in the following areas 受講生は以下を習得する:
- Licensing business basics ライセンスビジネスの基礎的な仕組
- Key terminology 主な専門用語
- Comprehension of industry roles 業界内の各役割
- Knowledge of the various types of IP プロパティーの種類
- Awareness of IP legal basics IP関連の法的な基礎
- License contract key areas ライセンス契約の主な部分
- International licensing 海外のライセンシングビジネス
Course Sessions コースのセッション
#1 Wednesday 21 April - What’s It All About ライセンスとは
#2 Tuesday 27 April - Who Does What 人材の役割と関係
#3 Wednesday 19 May - Deep Delving Brands プロパティ研究
#4 Wednesday 2 June - Know Your Rights 法的な基礎
#5 Wednesday 16 June - Read Before Signing ライセンス契約の主な部分
#6 Wednesday 30 June- The World’s Your Oyster 海外展開
#7 Wednesday 7 July - All Together Now まとめ・Q&A・フリートーキング・オンライン飲み会
Course Period: February 2022 to September 2022
Course Goals: 長く続いている上級者向けの人気講座の続きです。多くの受講生がリピーターとなっています。クラスの教材は、実際のニュース記事、ソーシャルメディア、オンラインビデオコンテンツを通じライセンシングとコンテンツ分野のビジネストレンドに基づいています。「ライセンシングライブチャット」セッションを通じて、受講者は海外の影響力のある業界のキーパーソンと独占的に語る機会があり、新たなビジネス関係の形成を促進します。この教育プログラムは、業界に特化したハイレベルなコンテンツ英語を受講生に提供します。実践的に可能な限り、参加する受講生の仕事分野のニーズに合わせてカリキュラムをカスタマイズし、仕事との関連性を確保しています。
This course is a continuation of our longest running and highly popular class for advanced learners. Many students are repeaters. Class materials are based on licensing and content sector business trends delivered through actual news articles, social media, and online video content. Through our Licensing Live Chat sessions, learners gain exclusive access to influential industry professionals overseas - interaction that encourages the forming of new business relationships. This educational program delivers industry-specific, high-level English to the students. As much as practically possible, the curriculum is customized to the makeup and needs of the participating students, ensuring relevance for their work.
Common features of our semesters include:
#2 - Thursday 17 March - Reviving Licensing In The Post-Coronavirus World(ポストコロナウィルスにおけるライセンスの復活)
#3 - Thursday 21 April - The D2C - Direct To Consumer - Business Model(D2C - ダイレクト・トゥ・コンシューマー - ビジネスモデル)
#4 - Tuesday 17 May - Why Collaborations Exist(コラボレーションが生まれる理由)
#5 - Thursday 16 June - Taking The Entire Licensing Process Digital(ライセンス業務のデジタル化)
#6 - Thursday 4 August - Anime Properties Breaking Into The Mainstream(メインストリームに躍り出るアニメコンテンツ)
#7 - Thursday 15 September - Making Licensing Sustainable And Ecological(ライセンシングを持続可能でエコロジーに)
#8 - Tuesday 27 September - Licensing Live Chat - with a special guest(ライセンシングライブチャット)
Course Goals: 長く続いている上級者向けの人気講座の続きです。多くの受講生がリピーターとなっています。クラスの教材は、実際のニュース記事、ソーシャルメディア、オンラインビデオコンテンツを通じライセンシングとコンテンツ分野のビジネストレンドに基づいています。「ライセンシングライブチャット」セッションを通じて、受講者は海外の影響力のある業界のキーパーソンと独占的に語る機会があり、新たなビジネス関係の形成を促進します。この教育プログラムは、業界に特化したハイレベルなコンテンツ英語を受講生に提供します。実践的に可能な限り、参加する受講生の仕事分野のニーズに合わせてカリキュラムをカスタマイズし、仕事との関連性を確保しています。
This course is a continuation of our longest running and highly popular class for advanced learners. Many students are repeaters. Class materials are based on licensing and content sector business trends delivered through actual news articles, social media, and online video content. Through our Licensing Live Chat sessions, learners gain exclusive access to influential industry professionals overseas - interaction that encourages the forming of new business relationships. This educational program delivers industry-specific, high-level English to the students. As much as practically possible, the curriculum is customized to the makeup and needs of the participating students, ensuring relevance for their work.
Common features of our semesters include:
- Collaborative Learning Experiences - classes are interactive and inclusive with students expected to share their business experiences in English so that everyone (including the teacher!) can learn. The aim is to initiate a sharing-and-learning environment that will contribute to the students' daily business activities. Students generally need to prepare one piece of information or material (e.g. an article, a podcast, a video - anything) to share with everyone based on the class topic for that week. Students will briefly present their materials in advance of the discussion-focused class. Supplemental content will be used as necessary.
- Content Business Trends - current trends in contents business will be explored through video, news articles and debate.
- Influential Creatives - students will examine through video interviews, how influential creatives in various content fields.
- Global Licensing Live Chats - our popular real-time discussions with licensing professionals in Europe and Asia. Students get to interact with key market players/influencers to discuss market situations and business opportunities.
- Show & Tell - students are tasked with presenting one of two pre-chosen subject in a short three slide x 30 second per slide format in the spirit of the PechaKucha format. Examples of previous topics include "The Movie, TV Program or Book That Influenced Me The Most" or "If I Transformed Into A Famous Actor.....Who and Why?"
#2 - Thursday 17 March - Reviving Licensing In The Post-Coronavirus World(ポストコロナウィルスにおけるライセンスの復活)
#3 - Thursday 21 April - The D2C - Direct To Consumer - Business Model(D2C - ダイレクト・トゥ・コンシューマー - ビジネスモデル)
#4 - Tuesday 17 May - Why Collaborations Exist(コラボレーションが生まれる理由)
#5 - Thursday 16 June - Taking The Entire Licensing Process Digital(ライセンス業務のデジタル化)
#6 - Thursday 4 August - Anime Properties Breaking Into The Mainstream(メインストリームに躍り出るアニメコンテンツ)
#7 - Thursday 15 September - Making Licensing Sustainable And Ecological(ライセンシングを持続可能でエコロジーに)
#8 - Tuesday 27 September - Licensing Live Chat - with a special guest(ライセンシングライブチャット)
Course Period: March~October 2023
Course Overview:
This course is a continuation of an existing advanced course. Class materials are based on actual news articles, social media, YouTube and other online video content, and video conferencing with industry key players overseas. The aim is to deliver industry-specific, high-level English to the students. This course is customized to the makeup and needs of the participating students. Refer to completed courses and curriculum examples here.
Typical features of our semesters include:
#2 - Thursday 25 May - A Deep Dive Into Location Based Experiences(ロケーションベースエクスペリエンスの深堀り)
#3 - Thursday 6 July - Sustainability and the Consumer(サステイナビリティと消費者)
#4 - Thursday 27 July - The Continued Rise of Anime(躍進を続けるアニメ)
#5 - Thursday 24 August - Successes in Interactive Game Licensing(インタラクティブゲームライセンスの成功例)
#6 - Thursday 28 September - Offline Retail Fighting Back in an Online Shopping World(オンラインショッピングの世界で戦うオフラインの小売業)
#7 - Thursday 26 October -Do the “…ers” - Influencers, YouTubers, Instagrammers - Impact Licensing?(インフルエンサー、ユーチューバー、インスタグラマーなどは、ライセンシングに影響を与えるか?)
#8 - Thursday 16 November - The Next Big Thing(次の大きなビジネスチャンスとは?)
Course Overview:
This course is a continuation of an existing advanced course. Class materials are based on actual news articles, social media, YouTube and other online video content, and video conferencing with industry key players overseas. The aim is to deliver industry-specific, high-level English to the students. This course is customized to the makeup and needs of the participating students. Refer to completed courses and curriculum examples here.
Typical features of our semesters include:
- Collaborative Learning Experiences - classes are interactive and inclusive with students expected to share their business experiences in English so that everyone (including the teacher!) can learn. The aim is to initiate a sharing-and-learning environment that will contribute to the students' daily business activities. Students generally need to prepare one piece of information or material (e.g. an article, a podcast, a video - anything) to share with everyone based on the class topic for that week. Students will briefly present their materials in advance of the discussion-focused class. Supplemental content will be used as necessary.
- Content Business Trends - current trends in contents business will be explored through video, news articles and debate.
- Influential Creatives - students will examine through video interviews, how influential creatives in various content fields.
- Global Licensing Live Chats - our popular real-time discussions with licensing professionals around the world. Students get to interact with key market players/influencers to discuss market situations and business opportunities.
- Show & Tell - students are tasked with presenting a pre-chosen subject in a short three slide x 30 second per slide style in the spirit of the PechaKucha format. Examples of previous topics include "The Movie, TV Program or Book That Influenced Me The Most" or "If I Transformed Into A Famous Actor.....Who and Why?"
#2 - Thursday 25 May - A Deep Dive Into Location Based Experiences(ロケーションベースエクスペリエンスの深堀り)
#3 - Thursday 6 July - Sustainability and the Consumer(サステイナビリティと消費者)
#4 - Thursday 27 July - The Continued Rise of Anime(躍進を続けるアニメ)
#5 - Thursday 24 August - Successes in Interactive Game Licensing(インタラクティブゲームライセンスの成功例)
#6 - Thursday 28 September - Offline Retail Fighting Back in an Online Shopping World(オンラインショッピングの世界で戦うオフラインの小売業)
#7 - Thursday 26 October -Do the “…ers” - Influencers, YouTubers, Instagrammers - Impact Licensing?(インフルエンサー、ユーチューバー、インスタグラマーなどは、ライセンシングに影響を与えるか?)
#8 - Thursday 16 November - The Next Big Thing(次の大きなビジネスチャンスとは?)
英語でライセンスビジネスの基礎 (初中級~)
英語でライセンスビジネスの基礎 (初中級~)
Course Period: June to August 2023
Course Goals:
This course will provide an overview of merchandise and promotional licensing basics for new company hires or professionals interested in the industry. It is especially appropriate for staff commencing in international business related to the content, licensing, branding, marketing, retail and broadcast sectors. The course is geared to pre-intermediate or above English skills. However, the trainer might use both English and Japanese depending on the actual English-language level of the participants.
Key Outcomes 主な成果
Students will gain understanding in the following areas 受講生は以下を習得する:
Course Sessions コースのセッション
#1 Monday 26 June - What’s It All About ライセンスとは
#2 Tuesday 4 July - Who Does What 人材の役割と関係
#3 Monday 10 July - Deep Delving Brands プロパティ研究
#4 Wednesday 26 July - Know Your Rights 法的な基礎
#5 Thursday 3 August - Read Before Signing ライセンス契約の主な部分
#6 Thursday 8 August - The World’s Your Oyster 海外展開
#7 Tuesday 22 August - All Together Now まとめ・Q&A・フリートーキング・オンライン飲み会
Course Goals:
This course will provide an overview of merchandise and promotional licensing basics for new company hires or professionals interested in the industry. It is especially appropriate for staff commencing in international business related to the content, licensing, branding, marketing, retail and broadcast sectors. The course is geared to pre-intermediate or above English skills. However, the trainer might use both English and Japanese depending on the actual English-language level of the participants.
Key Outcomes 主な成果
Students will gain understanding in the following areas 受講生は以下を習得する:
- Licensing business basics ライセンスビジネスの基礎的な仕組
- Key terminology 主な専門用語
- Comprehension of industry roles 業界内の各役割
- Knowledge of the various types of IP プロパティーの種類
- Awareness of IP legal basics IP関連の法的な基礎
- License contract key areas ライセンス契約の主な部分
- International licensing 海外のライセンシングビジネス
Course Sessions コースのセッション
#1 Monday 26 June - What’s It All About ライセンスとは
#2 Tuesday 4 July - Who Does What 人材の役割と関係
#3 Monday 10 July - Deep Delving Brands プロパティ研究
#4 Wednesday 26 July - Know Your Rights 法的な基礎
#5 Thursday 3 August - Read Before Signing ライセンス契約の主な部分
#6 Thursday 8 August - The World’s Your Oyster 海外展開
#7 Tuesday 22 August - All Together Now まとめ・Q&A・フリートーキング・オンライン飲み会